Hello All,

With fond memories, we are sad (but also a little excited) to announce EasyTrust is retiring.

We initially created this startup in 2018 when there were barely any options for the lay person to create their own revocable living trust and estate plan.

With sweat, red eyes, and numerous 1AM work jam sessions, we formed this website with the goal of helping individuals, couples, and families create revocable living trusts and estate plans easily and at affordable costs by utilizing technology.

Since that time, we've evolved—

From product features, to internal automation processes, to technology stack, to our own passions.


We were chatting one day how much we hold EasyTrust near and dear to us, and realized, we were ready for the "next big thing".

As much as we love EasyTrust and the mission, we were ready for a little retirement from the industry of our own.

(Turns out it's good to take some vacations from constantly discussing death and monetary outcomes.)

**Something we learned from countless phone calls, emails, and speaking with people nearing death or deeply involved in the process… No matter the amount of money a person or couple has / had —The one thing that always held true, from those with a few thousands to those with a few millions —

The MOST important thing to our users was ALWAYS their loved ones.**

Whether that was a blood relative, a parent, a spouse, a spouse's parent, an adoptive son, a sister, a friend, or a recent partner.

It's been a great journey, and we've genuinely enjoyed developing a product around the intricacies of revocable living trusts, pourover wills, durable power of attorney, and healthcare directives to help form estate plans.


The second thought we wanted to share with our fans and users:We would like to thank, from the bottom of our hearts, for using our service and your wonderful referrals. None of this would have been possible without your support and positive reviews to your friends, family, and colleagues — We are forever grateful!

Although we are no longer operating the site, your words and thoughts are still with us today.